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A piece of memorable advice

Have you ever been given advice that you’ve never forgotten?

I was 18 but felt my life was in bits. Having fallen short of the mark in my A level grades, I’d lost my place at uni and it felt as if the pathway in front of me had fallen into a big black hole.

What on earth was I going to do next?

‘Why don’t you phone them up? At the moment you have a no. The worst that’s going to happen is that you’ll still have a no, but they might be impressed with your initiative and change that no to a yes.’

At the time I was too lacking in confidence to make that call, so I still had my no, but it’s been advice I’ve acted on many times since – and have passed on to others.

What bit of advice could you share, from your story?


For more ideas of how and where to find your stories, 
download my free Pdf now 
7 Simple Story Prompts 



Rachel Maunder is a communication skills and speaker coach...

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What does the sound of bells remind you of?

What memories does the sound of church bells trigger for you?

For me, it’s a mix of freedom and longing.

In my hometown of Sherborne, Abbey bell practice night was a Tuesday.

The freedom goes back to those heady summer evenings, old enough to be out with friends, but not old enough to have too many responsibilities. We’d head up to the Terrace Playing Fields, with a view of the town and the Abbey, listening to music with no particular purpose than to hang out together and belong, with that feeling of remote infinity.

The longing came from those evenings of study, leading up to end of term or public exams, wanting the windows open for the air but finding the bells a distraction, and wanting to be outside, for the exams to be over and to be rediscovering the freedom.

What does their sound evoke for you?



For more ideas of how and where to find your stories,
download my free Pdf now
‘7 Simple Story Prompts’ 


Rachel Maunder is a...

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Finding the links

As a child, as much as playing with the other children I also loved sitting listening to the grown-ups talking. I found the back stories of the other children fascinating. Maybe the issues they were having at school, health concerns or any of that other stuff that parents tend to share with each other.

Until someone noticed me and sent me back outside.

I was never mean about what I heard but sometimes it would change my view of someone, in a good way. When I knew what some of their vulnerabilities were it could warm me more to them.

Fast forward too many years, and here I am still listening to people’s back stories, their stories of achievement, vulnerability and passion and helping them shape those stories so that their audience warms to them.

Was there something about you from your childhood that links to what you’re doing now?


Why not a book a call with me now to see how I can help you find those links? 



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Using photos for inspiration

If you’re stuck for stories, try going through some old photos to trigger some memories.

Here’s mine:

It’s Boxing Day in Sydney Harbour, which means just 1 thing – the start of the Sydney-Hobart Yacht race.

The harbour is full of boats with ticketed places sold at a premium.

And there am I, literally a few hours off my flight, my brain still fuzzy from flying.

I can hardly believe the amazing spectacle in front of me and for me, no ticket necessary.

My friend had secured me a day-job on the boat he worked on. I collected dirty glasses, sworn not to mention I wasn’t regular staff, giving upbeat replies to people showing concern that I was expected to work so soon after arriving in town.

Funnily enough, I didn’t mind at all!

Why not look out some of your photos and share the stories behind them?



For more ideas of how and where to find your stories,
download my free Pdf now
‘7 Simple Story Prompts’


Rachel Maunder is a...

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So you think you don't have a story

 If you’re fed up with being told to include more personal stories in your presentations, I know how that feels.

For several years, having entered the world of speaking as part of my business model, I struggled to find my own stories.

Despite the assurance from anyone offering me feedback that ‘you do have a story, everyone does,’ I still couldn’t see why anyone would want to hear my very ordinary and unexceptional story.

What didn’t help was that I had the good fortune to hear a lot of excellent speakers sharing their incredible, awesome and powerful stories, making mine seem even more insignificant and unworthy of being aired in public.

Does any of that resonate with you?

I tried to convince myself that I could get around the story issue by making sure I gave good content and delivered it competently. What more could I do, because you can’t make stories up, can you?

I still don’t really know what happened to shake the penny down, but...

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How can you make a wider impact?

What stories do you tell yourself that hold you back from achieving fulfilment?  

Perhaps you want to achieve something at work or in your business but worry about what people will think of you for going for it. If you want a promotion, do you worry about being accepted at that next level? Will people think you’re out of your depth to even apply? Will you be seen as the skilled professional you are, or will you be dismissed out of hand?  

Thoughts like this can hold you back from taking the next step.   

We worry about how the people around us will perceive us – and when we do that, it holds us back from having the impact we can make through our professional services on the people who really need it.  

Many moons ago it was suggested that I apply to become a Justice of the Peace. I was working within the juvenile justice and care systems at...

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Be a voice, not an echo. Einstein

finding your stories Mar 30, 2021

What does ‘being a voice’ mean to you? 

For me, it’s about getting out there to speak your truth, share your story and convey your message – not waiting for others to get there first. 

What do you feel strongly about enough to speak out about? What’s been your experience of life that others would benefit from hearing?  

When are you more comfortable being an echo, happy to go along with the opinions of others? 

To be original on every single issue would be exhausting and maybe even impossible. Being a voice requires time for thought and consideration. Save your energy and focus for the things that are really important to you. 

Perhaps it’s also about not taking ‘no’ for an answer. If someone tells you that you can’t do something, you have a choice on whether you listen to them.  You don't always have to take up...

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